Friday, April 16, 2021

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Other than the shooting stars that night the day was uneventful.  Local news in Ecuador was immersed for a good 24 hour cycle and the surrounding Latin American Countries had a good hour of coverage which quickly spread to about two seconds of air-time to the rest of the hemisphere.  The impact was even less on the other side of the globe, but on both sides of good old blue Earth that one night, two rocks made their way all the way down the the ground.  They both landed in forests away from cities and neither made an impact big enough to cause any real damage even if they had landed in populated areas.  And no major fires had caught or spread. It was just a short light show on an odd night in August, 2034.

"No it was two." Rivian blurted out in an annoyed tone after a long period of quiet being stuck to the couch with book over her face.

"Two what honey?" 

Rivian took a break, sat up and walked to the kitchen; answering while she walked "I was just re-reading The First Seed again and it drives me nuts how obvious this all should have been in the beginning.   There were two meteors that crashed into two RAIN forests on two sides of the planet, and nobody thought anything of that?  

"Well, at the the time it was just a coincidence, I know nowadays people don't believe in that kind of thing but back then we we're able to fit it into our empty little minds that two things could happen on the same day without there somehow being a conspiracy." Rivian's mother was loading her words up with just enough eye role to keep the conversation going without picking a fight light the last time here daughter had been studying to topic. Which was all the time.

"Plus, you have to realize the world wasn't as connected back then. We didn't have some fancy space robot watching for things like that. And anyway, stuff that happened in the Amazon or the Congo weren't exactly top news stories.  People cared about, well... less important stuff I guess"
